I Was Tagged from One of Those ’11 Things About Me’ Posts…


Team Rev3 Laura Mount tagged me in her ‘11 things about me.. what about you?‘ post. So it seems I’ll be blogging at least two posts this week. MAybe three because last night’s dream was AWESOME! For now though, here’s my take on this 11 things chain post…

LM: Tag!! You’re it!! (that’s what I heard in my head anyway 🙂

11 Things About Moi… Rules first:

1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!

And the things..

1. I LOVE  music. I wake up each morning and plug my Mac or iPhone into my stereo and listen to iTunes library or Spotify. I ‘see’ music. Think of a cloud floating above your head in a bevy of colors, and each part lights up when a certain element of the music plays. I move my fingers like I’m playing a piano when listening to music as each element sounds during the piece. Strange though, since I haven’t played piano since I was in elementary school.

2. I’m not OCD per say…but I have certain things that I have to do. Reps in my strength training have to equal 7. Same thing for my alarms or the volume of the radio. I don’t care how ass-backwards my math to make it equal 7 is…it WILL equal 7. Ex: I get up every morning at 3:55…5+5-3=7. I need to microwave something for 5 minutes? I set the timer for 5 minutes, BUT, only because I add that 5 to the TWO zeros that come after it. So 5 +2(because there’s 2 zeros)=7. You can go ahead and judge me on that weirdness.

3. I have a VERY precise routine in the morning that I must complete or my whole day is off. Wake up-Coffee-Bathroom-Breakfast-Crossword-Coffee. I’ve been late for races because that day’s crossword took longer than usual. I MUST STICK TO MY ROUTINE!!

4. I eat really really healthy. Veggies, fish, and fruit in like 75%, 20%, and 5% of my diet. But then once every 6-ish weeks I eat lots of junk. Well junkier food. It’s hard to eat crap when you can’t eat gluten. Let’s just say my kcal intake goes up a lot.

5. I’ve only begun to complete the mosaic that will be my body’s tattoos. If I wasn’t in the pool 5x a week I’d have more, but because of training, I can only add once or twice a year.

6. I don’t like to take credit for anything, which is weird because I’m a pretty proud guy(HUGE understatement). Like when I placed 4th in the Tri the Parks series last season, I felt like I didn’t deserve it. Even more so when I qualified for Nats at Club Med, and I was published again. That’s a weird one

7. I HATE the cold. Mu muscles don’t function if it’s under 60*. Seriously…You’ll see me running in tights if it’s not 60* and sunny.

8. I have a gluten intolerance…but beer doesn’t seem to bother me. That seems to be a normal thing with people with just an intolerance from what I’ve read though.

9. I’m a loner. Always have been. Maybe one or two close friends, but even then I don’t/didn’t spend too much time with them. I’ll go walk about the mall or somewhere with a lot of people and just watch, not interact. I think that explains a lot about this next one…

10. I can read people very well. Ever watch ‘Lie to Me’? It’s like that, but it’s just an inborn ability. Explains why I want something in psychology in my future.

11. I hate numbers… Seriously. I can watch something work, like a motor, or look at a picture of something, and build it ((crappy)example: I didn’t use the instructions in Legos), but you give me an equation with more than ‘x’ as a variable…and my brain literally shuts down.


And then there’s the 11 questions LM asked those she tagged…

1. What is your DREAM job?

Professional triathlete. Most of you already knew that, but did you know a major reason is to share my story through it?
2. If you could live ANYWHERE where would you go?

South Florida. It has beaches. Plus it’s close enough to my family that I could visit and it stays warm. I’d miss the hills, and there’s those pesky hurricanes… South Florida or Arizona
3. Tell us your BIGGEST secret! ha.. okay a smaller one you are willing to share.

I know the answer to this one, but I’m not sharing it… so a smaller one… I sometimes wonder if any of this (life) is real; i.e. I died in my wreck and this is my Heaven. Or that I’m still in my coma, and this is some crazy vivid dream. I don’t like thinking about it; freaks me out.
4. How often do you weigh yourself?

A couple times a week. I pay attention to how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror. During the summer after long sessions to see how much fluid I lost.
5. Do you keep up w/ politics and current events?

I watch the local news in the morning, but other than that, NOT AT ALL.
6. What is your favorite time of day?

depends on when in the season it is. Race season: morning because I’m getting ready to race or train. Off-season: Night time for pretty obvious reasons
7. How many hours do YOU sleep a night?

That depends. Between 4 and 15. I guess 8.5 if I had to average it.
8. What is your BIGGEST lifetime goal//dream?

The answer to that is the same as number 3, so I’ll pick the next biggest… Probably to become a professional triathlete again.
9. Would you consider yourself a half empty or half full type?

I thought of this BEFORE I read Jamie’s blog…Completely full. I have the ability to see everything as an opportunity and turn what people see as a negative into a positive. Another reason I’d be a good fin for psychology.
10. Do you reduce, reuse, recycle?

Yeah. Plastic anyway.
11. Do you strength train?

2 times a week; FUNCTIONAL strength, and core. The ab wheel is my best friend.

I’m going to tag… and some of them don’t have blogs so they’ll either start or I’ll post their answers here:

Samantha Stephens @booksnmom

Catherine Sewell @nannymom79

Frayed Laces @Frayed_laces

Tony Hammett @EC_CoachTony

Dan Arnett @EC_CoachDan

Andrew Shanks @wvytri

Bethaney Ryals @BERryals


Chance @bluechance

Tim Andrus @TimAndrus

Pennylope @pennylope

Patti Danzig (http://atlantagymrat.blogspot.com/)

My questions for those of you I tagged:

1. If you could change one decision form you past, what would it be?

2. Favorite band/artist/ect. and their song.

3. Can you dance? Seriously…without being 6 drinks deep?

4. Do you read? If so; WHAT do you read?

5. Do you cry during movies? Which ones?

6. Would you rather live where your thermometer rarely goes above freezing, or where it rarely drops below 90?

7. Mountains or beach? (no; you can’t have both)

8. The Colbert Report, or The Daily Show?

9. Do you have a tattoos? Do you keep them hidden?

10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

11. Do you fold your towels twice (long ways then short ways), or thrice (long ways, then into 3rds)?




One thought on “I Was Tagged from One of Those ’11 Things About Me’ Posts…

  1. Writing up my comments in here since I don’t keep my blog up to date nor do I wish to pass this on haha sorry bro.

    My questions for those of you I tagged:

    1. If you could change one decision form you past, what would it be? Nada my man. well maybe getting that “Ironman” tattoo but I was lucky enough to be able to cover it up. Otherwise I’ve got to go with the flow and go with what feels right, and within that… there are no regrets.

    2. Favorite band/artist/ect. and their song.
    Damnit, just one!?! Something Corporate “Konstantine”

    3. Can you dance? Seriously…without being 6 drinks deep?
    It only takes me 2 drinks to be on a good dancing level, so there! Otherwise I think I can hold my own but not skilled enough to be on America’s next best dance crew…damn that was a good show.

    4. Do you read? If so; WHAT do you read?
    School books (sometimes), coaching literature, some odd artsy stuff… favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower

    5. Do you cry during movies? Which ones?
    Yes. Can’t recall the most recent but I did watch The Family Stone with my Mother… thought it was supposed to be a comedy, nope! Never watch a movie about losing a mother to breast cancer with your mother!

    6. Would you rather live where your thermometer rarely goes above freezing, or where it rarely drops below 90?
    Rarely drops below 90

    7. Mountains or beach? (no; you can’t have both)

    8. The Colbert Report, or The Daily Show?
    Daily Show

    9. Do you have a tattoos? Do you keep them hidden?
    I have 4 and you can see them all on the pool deck!

    10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    The power to heal… yes that is very broad

    11. Do you fold your towels twice (long ways then short ways), or thrice (long ways, then into 3rds)?

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